Wedding Photographer London, Devon, Somerset Cornwall

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Top 50 Best Wedding Photographers 2020

Whilst weddings have been exceptionally quiet this year due to COVID19 it’s lovely to be recognised once again as a wedding photographer that is producing outstanding work. Work so good in fact that for the second year running I have been included in the Top 50 Best Wedding Photographers of 2020. A list compiled by GoHen.

Since 2012 the accolades and awards have been numerous. Year on year I am being nominated either by my peers or judges as someone who is consistently producing wedding photography of a standard good enough to be mentioned in these annual lists. When booking your wedding photographer these awards are not the reason that you should go with that particular photographer, but what they do show is a level of photography that should be a must for all couples.

If you add that to the fact that for the last 8-10 years, year on year, that level has been achieved and mostly surpassed then that is all the reason you need to book.

No two weddings are the same, and no two couples are the same, but not everyone understands that. Well, not everyone is like the brilliant David Pullum. He knows that everybody is different, and he has this incredible ability to bend and mould his style so that he captures your day in a way that’s specific to you. The only constant is that every single one of his photos is of the highest quality. Now that’s something we don’t mind having in common with everyone else!

It’s interesting that the judge talks about style. Style can easily cloud a couples judgement of wedding photography. Too many photographers label their work. They pigeon hole themselves into a particular category of wedding photography. For me there are no styles, you either produce great wedding photography or you don’t.

A wedding is a story. It starts with the bride’s transformation in the morning to the end of the evening celebrations. Wedding photography is not a series of manufactured shots that say nothing about the couple or their families. I don’t know any man that stands in front of a window when putting his watch on, looking at it with more desire than he looks at his wife to be. Thats not wedding photography thats an advert for a posh watch.

Would you rather look back at a story of your day that celebrate your marriage or a series of completely outdated, cringeworthy posed images that say absolutely nothing about you and more about your watch, flowers, shoes and dress.

I’m honoured to have been mentioned in this list, the older I get the more it seems my work sets itself apart from the competition and really flourishes in todays climate.